21 MAY 2016 by ideonexus
Essays Should Not Need to Argue a Point
The Age of the Essay
September 2004
Remember the essays you had to write in high school? Topic sentence, introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs, conclusion. The conclusion being, say, that Ahab in Moby Dick was a Christ-like figure.
Oy. So I'm going to try to give the other side of the story: what an essay really is, and how you write one. Or at least, how I write one.
The most obvious difference between real essays and the things one has to write in school is that real ess...31 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Speciation of the Human Race
On a time-scale of a thousand years, neither politics nor
technology is predictable. China and Japan are the only
major political units that have lasted that long. A thousand
years ago, Europe was an unimportant peninsula
lying on the edge of the more advanced and civilized
Arab world. The technologies of today would be unintelligible
to our ancestors of a millennium ago. The
only human institutions that retain their identities over
a thousand years are languages, cultures, and religions.
Per...Folksonomies: futurism speciation
Folksonomies: futurism speciation
05 MAR 2015 by ideonexus
We Have the Power to Accelerate Things to Near the Speed ...
Six years ago, in the distant Trisolaran stellar system, Trisolaris accelerated two hydrogen nuclei to near the speed of light and shot them toward the solar system. These two hydrogen nuclei, or protons, arrived at the solar system two years ago, then reached the Earth.Folksonomies: space travel speed of light
Folksonomies: space travel speed of light
Something to consider.
06 FEB 2015 by ideonexus
Extropist Philosophy
Endless eXtension - Extropists seek perpetual growth and progress in all aspects of human endeavor. We are, as a species and as a culture, never finished or in any essential way complete. Instead, we continually pursue knowledge, we constantly experiment, we forever continue to develop techniques that improve our minds, our bodies, our culture and our environment. Extropists affirm this belief and take it to its logical conclusion.
We desire the technology and understanding that allows us to...Folksonomies: transhumanism extropianism
Folksonomies: transhumanism extropianism
24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Steps to Colonizing Space
The third technological revolution which I see coming is the expansion of life's habitat from Earth into the solar system and beyond. This revolution may take a little longer than the other two. Perhaps it may take as long as a hundred years from now. In charting a possible course for this revolution, I take as my guide Ben Finney, an anthropologist at the University of Hawaii who has made a detailed study of the Polynesian navigators and their voyages of colonization from island to island ac...Folksonomies: space colonization
Folksonomies: space colonization
24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Piet Hut, another Dutch astronomer fifty years younger than Jan Oort, decided to take seriously the possibility that comet showers are periodic. If they are periodic, the theory that they are caused by the random passing-by of alien stars cannot be right. If showers are periodic, they must be explained by a different theory. Piet Hut and his friend Rich Muller found an alternative theory to explain the periodicity in case it turns out to be real. The alternative theory is called Nemesis. Neme...Folksonomies: astronomy hypotheses
Folksonomies: astronomy hypotheses
24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
The Comet Loss Cone
To understand why comet showers occur, we go back to the Oort Cloud. The theory of comet showers was worked out by Jack Hills, an American physicist now at Los Alamos. He realized that the movements of the comets in the Oort Cloud are not entirely random. Comets in the cloud are generally moving in random directions, but if a comet happens to be moving in an orbit almost exactly toward the Sun, it will not survive for long. A comet in an orbit coming close to the Sun may get boiled away and d...Folksonomies: astronomy astrophysics
Folksonomies: astronomy astrophysics
07 NOV 2014 by ideonexus
Matrioshka Brain Simplified
"Take all the planets in a star system and dismantle them," she explains. "Turn them into dust – structured nanocomp, powered by heat exchangers, spread in concentric orbits around the central star. The inner orbitals run close to the melting point of iron, the outer ones are cold as liquid nitrogen, and each layer runs off the waste heat of the next shell in. It's like a Russian doll made out of Dyson spheres, shell enclosing shell enclosing shell, but it's not designed to support human li...Folksonomies: futurism transhumanism
Folksonomies: futurism transhumanism
16 MAR 2014 by ideonexus
Dyson Spheres
The material factors which ultimately limit the expansion of a technically advanced species are the supply of matter and the supply of energy. At present the material resources being exploited by the human species are roughly limited to the biosphere of the earth, a mass of the order of 5 X 10^19 grams. Our present energy supply may be generously estimated at 10^20 ergs per second. The quantities of matter and energy which might conceivably become accessible to us within the solar system are ...Folksonomies: astronomy extraterrestrials
Folksonomies: astronomy extraterrestrials
The energy and time required to dismantle a planet and turn it into a biosphere surrounding a sun.
29 NOV 2013 by ideonexus
The Origin of Life from Molecules
The account of the origin of life that I shall give is necessarily speculative;
by definition, nobody was around to see what happened. There are a
number of rival theories, but they all have certain features in common.
The simplified account I shall give is probably not too far from the truth.
We do not know what chemical raw materials were abundant on earth
before the coming of life, but among the plausible possibilities are water,
carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia: all simple compounds ...Highlights from Dawkin's description of how molecules evolved through natural selection to eventually form life.